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$64.50 CNS Standard Commercial AUTOCODER without timer (1.70" x2.25")
Audio Frequency 1000Hz
CNS-2) Continuous repeat of ID every 15 seconds. Will key transmitter.
$84.50 CTS Full feature AUTOCODER with timer (1.75" x2.90"). All CTS models may be readily modified to any other model in the field.
CTS-2) ID occurs every 12-15 minutes as long as the transmitter is keyed. If transmitter has not been keyed for over 15 minutes, the ID will occur immediately upon initial key up. ID never occurs unless keyed manually or by transmitter.
CTS-3) ID occurs every 12-15 minutes regardless of transmitter activity.
CTS-4) No ID occurs during periods of inactivity which are longer than 15 minutes. At the end of such a periods, ID will occur immediately upon transmitter key up. After the last transmission, ID will occur once more at the end of 12-15 minutes after the last previous ID.
CTS-5) ID occurs at beginning and at end of every transmission. If the transmission is shorter than ID, only one ID occurs.
CTS-2PI) ID occurs at end of transmission if 12-15 minutes has elapsed since the last previous ID. ID never occurs except when keyed manually or by transmitter.
CTS-3PI) ID occurs every 12-15 minutes when transmitter is not in use. If timer commands ID during transmission, ID waits until end of transmission.
CTS-4PI) This is the recommended model for most applications. Following a period of inactivity, ID will occur at the end of the first transmission. Subsequently, ID will occur immediately upon command of the timer unless the transmitter is in use. In this case, ID will wait until the end of that transmission. If no transmissions follow any ID, no further ID will occur until transmitter is keyed.
Option Code
$64.50 ANS Standard AUTOCODER without timer (1.70"x2.25")
Audio Frequency 1000 Hz
ANS-2) Continuous repeat of ID every 15 seconds.
$84.50 ATS Same as CTS models above except for minor changes to comply with amateur regulations. For example, the time interval is 8-10 min. The ATS-4 is the most popular for amateur radio applications.
** For all of the above, the code speed, audio frequency, and time interval may be changed either by the user or by the factory if specified with order.
All prices net. 10% 10up.
Pre-paid orders shipped at our expense. Terms: net 30 days with
$2.00 billing and shipping charge on advanced approval only. CODs: add
a total of $12.00 for shipping.
All above operate from +8 to 16 Vdc un-regulated
power and draw 100 mA. Transmitter PTT for timed units must be ground seeking
and have positive potential when unkeyed.
Spare or replacement memory elements are available
pre-programmed at a cost of $15.00 each, non discountable.
We have a liberal warranty
which covers one year.
E-Mail aubgrey at iders dot com